"You Never Know What Might Be Down Here!"
Okay, when you've been in the hobby
as long as I have, and after operating a hobby related business for a fifteen years or more, you collect stuff that
just turns up whenever you go poking around in the dark. But when your genome is as heavy with pack rat as mine is, you can't
just pitch it, you price it to MOVE!
When there's new "old" stuff to list here, I'll put the word out and if anything sounds
interesting, so come on in and poke around. I'll provide photos, either here or on the would-be-buyer's demand, and I'll
answer any questions I can, but most stuff will never have been used, or only lightly.
I'll date each post, and if after a month or more I haven't sold it for the asking price,
I'll listen to the best offer. I told you--I want this stuff to MOVE!
And for that reason most "bulk" items are offered as lots, not singly. If you want to buy
"a lot" of a lot, you can make me an E-mail offer, but it better be good 'cause the last thing I need is a bunch of
one-sies and two-sies cluttering up the.... clutter.
Orders will be combined for the minimum postage wherever possible, and any overage charged
by the Shopping Cart will be refunded as soon as the order is processed.
1:300 Roman Merchant Ship Isis
From a line by Richard Houston so old the
prices are marked in sesterces, here are the last 12 examples extant. White metal castings, simple to build and
paint in support of your Ancients Naval Battles/Campaigns. Sold separately.
$3.00 each, plus Priority Mail (which will pay
for one up to all).
1:300 Roman Merchant Ship Europa
From a line by Richard Houston so old the
prices are marked in sesterces, here are the last 14 examples extant. White metal castings, simple to build and
paint in support of your Ancients Naval Battles/Campaigns. Sold separately.
$3.00 each, plus Priority Mail (which will pay
for one up to all).
Fall Back To The Virtual Armchair General's
All text, photos, and artwork are COPYRIGHT©2003 by Patrick Wilson.
They may not be used without written permission.
Contact The Virtual Armchair General
Names of individual product lines are trademarks (TM) of the manufacturers.